Re: Introduction and Invitation
Tue, 30 Apr 1996 01:56:00

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Dear Duane-

Upon only one reading of your message, I find myself frustrated to construct a
positive assessment of it.
For what it's worth, I will offer you some reactions, as a practicing
1. You seem to be captured by a variety of linguistic niceties which have an
heuristic reality, if that. Taken as a whole, for me, they render your conversaion
virtually unintelligible.
2. Congratutulations on having found a place where they will pay you to do
what you are doing. I can only assume that they know more than I do, and so your
work has value and eventually may reach me in the form of some kind of improved
3. I employ the notion of 'levels of detail' in my work. The topmost level I
cann Executive Summary, and the bottommost is 'extremely, utter, bottomfeeding,
whaleshit lowest.' For me, understanding your message is related to you being
somewhere midway down that chain. For fellow professionals, that no doubt is fine.
For me, ignorant of the details of most of the domains you cited, it is only
bewildering and confusing. Indeed, it leads to the impression that you may be
dazzling us with ... --- unintentionally, of course. (Not unusual group-entering
So then, I see you as glib, articulate, mildly-encyclopedic, and in the midst
of a new step in your continuing journey. I also am surprised at the way you are
putting the humanism and 'softness' of psychology together with the science and
'hardness' of computer work. It seems to me a peculiar marriage.
I apologize if I have been inappropriate in my response, Duane. But I trusted
in your desire for honesty. I would welcome reading a briefer, more general
restatement of where you've been and what you're up to, if you care to. If not,
that's okay, too. But you're going to have to get off this technocratic posture if
I am to be of much assistance to you.
Fire back, my friend.All you others, too.I have asbestos software!
Thanks for letting me in on this. Best, Gary


--zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

To: Re: Introduction and Invitation

Dear Duane-

Upon only one reading of your message, I find myself frustrated to construct a positive assessment of it. For what it's worth, I will offer you some reactions, as a practicing constructivist. 1. You seem to be captured by a variety of linguistic niceties which have an heuristic reality, if that. Taken as a whole, for me, they render your conversaion virtually unintelligible. 2. Congratutulations on having found a place where they will pay you to do what you are doing. I can only assume that they know more than I do, and so your work has value and eventually may reach me in the form of some kind of improved living. 3. I employ the notion of 'levels of detail' in my work. The topmost level I cann Executive Summary, and the bottommost is 'extremely, utter, bottomfeeding, whaleshit lowest.' For me, understanding your message is related to you being somewhere midway down that chain. For fellow professionals, that no doubt is fine. For me, ignorant of the details of most of the domains you cited, it is only bewildering and confusing. Indeed, it leads to the impression that you may be dazzling us with ... --- unintentionally, of course. (Not unusual group-entering behaviour). So then, I see you as glib, articulate, mildly-encyclopedic, and in the midst of a new step in your continuing journey. I also am surprised at the way you are putting the humanism and 'softness' of psychology together with the science and 'hardness' of computer work. It seems to me a peculiar marriage. I apologize if I have been inappropriate in my response, Duane. But I trusted in your desire for honesty. I would welcome reading a briefer, more general restatement of where you've been and what you're up to, if you care to. If not, that's okay, too. But you're going to have to get off this technocratic posture if I am to be of much assistance to you. Fire back, my friend.All you others, too.I have asbestos software! Thanks for letting me in on this. Best, Gary

