Re: the nature of 'construct'

Lois Shawver ( )
Fri, 7 Jun 1996 21:38:59 -0700 (PDT)

I have been following the interesting discussion here although I haven't
gotten involved. Let me tell you what has kept me away. A few months
ago I began being tutored publicly on a list by a physicst in the subject
of quantum mechanics. Recently, there has been a flury of discussion on
the topic of what I am calling quantum poetry. At times the discussion
has strained my brain with high level technical math, ugh. But recently
we have everyone participating and it is jolly interesting. I think some
of you might enjoy it, too.

Write me if you want instructions for how to join.

Regardless, I watching here. There are some intersting minds here and I
hope they forgive me for not accepting the invitation to engage by
letting me do so before long when the other interaction wears down. It
is my experience (don't you agree?) that these things go in cycles. But
it is just too much strain on my time to get knee deep in two lists at the
same time, so my contribution level in any given list seems to go in
cycles, too. The point being: I'll be back. I like you folks, and I
hope to be a part of your ongoing dialogue. In the meantime, I'm lurking

..Lois Shawver
