RE: Alcohol counselling
Fri, 21 Mar 1997 09:33:28 +0000 (GMT)

In message Thu, 20 Mar 1997 16:38:05 -0500,
John M Fisher <> writes:

> Does anyone have any PCP references regarding using PCP with an alcohol
> (drugs) abuse client base.
> Thanks

> John Fisher

Dear John,

Some references which I am aware of;

Blum, G. (1980). Changes in Alcoholics' Self-Esteem in relationship to
perceptions of drinking and sober roles during treatment. Cited in E. Button
(ed.) (1985). _Personal construct theory anad mental health._ London: Croom

Glantz, M., Burr, W., & Bosse, R. (1981). Constructs used by alcoholics, non
psychotic outpatients and normals. Cited in E. Button (ed.). op cit.

Heather, N., Edwards, S. & Hore, B. (1975). Changes in construing and
outcome of group therapy for alcoholism. _Journal of Studies on Alcohol_,
_36_, 1238-53.

Hoy, R.M., (1973). The meaning of alcoholism for alcoholics: A repertory
grid study. _British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology_, _12_,

McCartney, J. & O'Donnell, J.P. (1981). The perception of drinking roles by
recovered problem drinkers. _Psychological Medicine_, _11_, 747-54.

Rivers, C. & Landfield, A. (1985). Personal construct theory and alcohol
dependence. In E. Button (ed.). (1985). _Personal Construct Theory and Mental
Health._ London: Croom Helm.

Smith, A. & Evans, D. (1980). Construct structure associated with alcohol
dependent behaviour in males. Cited in E. Button (ed.). (1985). _Personal Construct Theory and Mental
Health._ London: Croom Helm.

Hope these are of some help. I have not read them myself - the references
are part of an old bibliography which was given to me so I am unable to
atest to the accruacy or relevance of the list.

Cheers (so to speak) malcolm (c. cross).
