Re: individuality:Dr. Huffman
Fri, 29 Mar 1996 14:08:01 -0500

Dear Dr.Huffman,

Now that you are almost a doctor, tell me: What do you think of integrative
complexity, logical consistency, corresponding regressions, the coordination
of whole figure constructs into a community of selves and others, my writings
on measuring changes using factor analysis, my thoughts on death threat
theory, my most recent thoughts on measuring loosenss, the Personal
Construct Inventory, Circumgrids, abstraction versus construction and factor
analysis, multiple group factor analysis, my findings regarding construct
development in children, the role of logical inconsistency in depression,
neurosis and schizophrenia. Or do they teach doctors how to think at Memphis
State? Instead of just brown-nose ad nauseum. You are one of us now doctor,
put your statistics and experiemental designs where your conference smile and
dress has been before. Grow up.

Little Old Doctor Chambers
