Re: 1998 Australasian PCP conference
Wed, 08 Oct 1997 13:37:48 +1000


I do not have any information on lists of likely interested parties.
However, Bev will have the PCP group list and we can probably get printed
labels for the smaller subset of that group who are also in the APS Interest
Group (Thte last group can pay for these labels). Otherwise, the APS will publish a noticoe of the Conference + call for papers and it might be timely given
that the annual conference just finished (in Cairns).
I am happy to help 'on the ground' in any way I can, or by referring papers,
reacting to your questions, etc, as I have been doing.
I thihkn the idea of seeking expressions of interest in doing the 'Keynote'
is not a good idea for a number of reasons (competitive, rivalries, might
suggest we can't make up our minds, won't know 'who' before advertising
goes out, etx.).
However, I do not have a good suggestion! Maria Jahoda did it for one of
the International as a person 'outside' of pcp and her paper was very infornative. But I cannot think of anyone who fits the same role in Australia.
I'll keep thinking. Most of the 'critics' are not well informed or not
constructively crtitical.
