Re: Doing words - Elements

Robert Wright (
Thu, 23 Apr 1998 10:51:42 +0800

Hi Jose Anotnio,

So glad to here someone else on the PCP mail is actually researching HR with
Kelly's Repertory Grid.

Why don't you start off with Stewart & Stewart's book entitled, "Business
Applications of Repertory Grids". It gives you great examples and references
on Grid work in your area of research. There is the updated version of the
first 7 chapters on the Internet.

Good luck
School of Business
Hong Kong University

email a/c:

>Hi,I'm José Antonio , from Perú i'm psychology and my english is very=

>bad, sorry!. I have a bussinees with some partners about selection
>and evaluation in human resourses, we want use a repgrid in our work.
>if, anyone know about this please tell me how can we doing it.
>Thanks, José Antonio
