Re: NAPCN 96 Conference

Bonnie L. Shapiro (
Wed, 31 Jan 96 11:43:25 MST

To: NAPCN colleagues with interests in educational applications
of Personal Construct Theory who plan to attend the Banff Conference

Re: Proposed Session on Educational Applications of Personal
Construct Theory

I am submitting a proposal for a session to provide an
opportunity for those interested in educational research
applications to meet one another to share research approaches,
questions, references and dilemmas. I particular, I hope that
those who have not participated in the past or new
researchers/graduate students might be encouraged to
participate. Another goal of the session is to provide the
opportunity for colleagues in education to meet one another and
to create new collaborative relationships. Everyone is welcome
to attend this session.

If you have employed PCT in educational applications with
children or have explored teacher knowledge/behavior or have made
any other type of educational application, please consider being
one of a panel of presenters at this session. Presenters (4-5)
will each make a 10 minute presentation describing their current
work and will share any resources or publications that might be
useful to session participants. The session is planned with the
following timelines in mind:

5-10 minutes: Introductions of panel members and session
40-50 minutes: Panel member presentations
20-30 minutes: Group discussion and resource sharing

If you would like to participate as one of the panel presenters,
please e-mail the following information prior to the conference
proposal submission date (Feb 5):

I. Your name and affiliation (if appropriate)
II. Your e-mail address and other mailing information
III. A summary of your work/interests in PCT
applications in education.
IV. A brief description of the paper/project that you
will describe in the session
V. Any other comments/suggestions that you have for the
session and for our continuing discussions.

If you plan only to attend the session, please bring along
research publications that you would like to share. If you are
not able to attend the conference and would like to share your
work, we will make note of it during the session and share the
reference with colleagues. We would very much value the sharing
the work of colleagues from abroad in this way as well!! Please
see address at the end of this message.

I will let all colleagues who respond know of the progress of our
proposal submission.

Banff is TRULY BEAUTIFUL in the Spring!

Bonnie Shapiro                        Telephone (403) 220-3844
726 EDT                               Fax (403) 282-8479 
The University of Calgary             Internet:
Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4
