Re: Information about the XIIth Int'n Cong. (fwd)

Jerald Forster (
Wed, 3 Jul 1996 16:13:53 -0700 (PDT)

The following message describes the next International Congress on
Personal Construct Psychology. I plan to provide additional information to
members of the pcp list during the coming weeks and months. I am
particularly interested in spreading this information to others who might
be interested. I am hoping that members of the pcp list will help me by
forwarding the information to people they think might be interested.
Jerald Forster, University of Washington

XIIth International Congress On Personal Construct Psychology
Congress Theme: "Constructing Meanings, Adapting, Evolving"
July 9-12, 1997, University of Washington, Seattle, WA USA

The XIIth International Congress On PCP will continue the
traditions of the previous congresses because these gatherings have led to
further exploration and elaboration of ideas initially expressed by George
Kelly. In addition, the XIIth International Congress will seek to serve
as a gathering place for people who want to explore the value of
constructivist perspectives for living in the next millennium. This goal
will permit discourse among people who want greater possibilities for
constructive change in a postmodern world.
The format for this gathering will be designed to facilitate the
exploration of theory and practice reflecting constructivist perspectives.
Copies of papers will be available before sessions. Presenters will be
urged to encourage reaction and discussion. Serial sessions will be
scheduled to explore issue-oriented themes over the course of the
Congress. Theorists and practitioners identifying with compatible
perspectives such as social construction, narrative discourse,
postmodernity, self-organization, etc., will be encouraged to join this
gathering. Attention will be focused on the implications of these
perspectivies for adapting to the challenges of the future and evolving to
a world society that has sustainability and hope.
Housing will be available on campus and in hotels within an easy
walk of the Congress Center. The University of Washington campus offers a
wide range of services to supplement its beauty.
Proposals for Programs and Conference Registration will be due
March 30, 1997. Details about proposals and registration will be sent out
before February 1, 1997. If you do not receive information, contact the
following people:
For information about proposals for programs: April Metzler, Lehigh
University, 111 Research Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18015-4792.
(Phone - (610) 758 6093; e-mail: )
For general information about the Congress: Jerald Forster, Box 353600,
U.of Washington, Seattle, WA 98115-3600 (Phone - (206) 543 4970; FAX
(206) 543 8439; e-mail: )
