Re: "Reality"

Robin Hill (BSRAH@TWP.AC.NZ)
Tue, 17 Dec 1996 16:46:30 +1300

My colleagues and I often discuss this notion of reality, and at the
end of it we agree on one concept.....


I'm off on holiday for a few weeks, so this rather facetious remark
is my way of ending the year and departing from my office.

A number of list members asked for copies of a monograph I wrote.
I have sent copies to about half of those who asked. I have not
forgotten the rest of you. I have a pile of them sitting on my office floor
awaiting to be packaged and sent. Will do so as soon as I can.

Best wishes

Dr. Robin Hill

Principal Lecturer & Research Leader
Department of Business Studies
The Waikato Polytechnic
Private Bag 3036
Hamilton 2020
New Zealand

Fax. NZ (07) 834-8802
