All the fields
The database has 721 records and the following fields. Field names as
shown in the search interface are given in bold.
Fields about the publication itself
- Year: Year of first publication and indexing. From
1998 to 2021 (some later papers will also have a later year of first
paper publication not used in the search interface.)
- ref: The paper reference in abbreviated form,
mainly useful only if paper has neither a DOI nor URL.
- DOI: DOI for the paper where available.
- URL: URL for the paper where available.
- PaperLanguage: Language of the paper, values
“English” or “Spanish”.
- OpenAccess: Whether paper is open access or not,
values “Y” or “N”.
- Objectives: Single value from:
- Assess psychometric properties and/or validation
- Assess single case efficacy
- Descriptive
- Experimental study to assess efficacy (not RCT)
- Feasibility
- Hermeneutic Single Case Efficacy Study
- Pedagogical aims
- Quasiexperiment to assess effectiveness
- RCT to assess effectiveness of different interventions
- RCT to assess efficacy of different interventions
- Review
- Service evaluation
- Study to assess effectiveness
- Theoretical aims
- To assess efficacy of interventions
- To explore psychometric properties
- Empirical: Values: “Non-empirical”, “Empirical” and
“Empirical but did not use CORE”.
- DataAvailable: Whether data are available or not,
values “Y” or “N”.
- ResearchOrService: Whether paper is research or
service oriented, values “Research” or “Service”!
Fields about the work described in the
- TherOrGeneral: Was the work focused on
interventions or not. Values: “Treatment” or “General population”.
Fields about the CORE instruments used
- NumberCoreForms: Number of different CORE forms
used. Values from:
- “NA” (if not empirical paper)
- “None” (if refers to CORE but doesn’t use a CORE form)
- “One”
- “More than one”
- “Several”
- WhichMeasures: Semicolon separated list of the
instruments used coded as:
- CORE-5
- CORE-10
- CORE-OM (with CORE-6D scoring)
- LD-CORE-30
- Measures as binary variables: and have values: “Y”, “N”.
- usedCORE_OM: Used CORE-OM (with or without 6D
- usedCORE_6D: Used 6D scoring of the CORE-OM.
- usedCORE_10: Used CORE-10.
- usedCORE_5: Used CORE-5.
- usedCORE_SFA: Used CORE-SF/A.
- usedCORE_SFB: Used CORE-SF/B.
- usedLD_CORE: Used either length LD-CORE.
- usedLD_CORE30: Used LD-CORE-30 (30 items!).
- usedCORE_A: Used any CORE-A context recording
- usedCORE_A_TAF: Used CORE-A TAF (Therapy
Assessment) form.
- usedCORE_A_EoT: Used CORE-A EoT (End of Therapy)
- usedGP_CORE: Used GP-CORE (general population)
- usedYP_CORE: Used YP-CORE (young person)
- FormatOfMeasure: Semicolon separated list of
formats presented to respondents, values from:
- As an interview/Interview-assisted
- Electronic/automated instruments
- Paper and pencil
- Unknown
- LanguageCOREclear: Whether or not the language of
the measure was clear, values: “Y”, “N”.
- LanguageOfCORE: Comma separated list of languages
in which the CORE instruments were offered. (Long set of options.)
- AssessmentStructure: The structure of use of CORE
instruments. Only applies to intervention studies. Values from:
- Fixed intervals (e.g., once a month, once every two weeks)
- Multiple completions for other than therapy purposes
- Not fixed/very variable number of times
- Only once
- Only post(outcomes)
- Pre-post
- Pre-post and follow-up
- Session-by-session
- Unknown
- NA
- EmbeddedInTherapy: Whether the CORE measure was
embedded into the intervention delivery, i.e. “Embedded Change
Management” often called “Feedback Informed Therapy” (but surely only
bibliotherapy or non-interactive computer delivered therapy is ever not
feedback informed?). Values: “Y”, “N”.
- AdministeredBy: Semicolon separated list including
values from:
- Administrative Staff
- Commercial survey company
- Community Health Worker
- Counsellor
- Experienced interviewers from the Centre for Health and Social Care
- Nurse
- Occupational therapist
- Primary mental health worker
- Professor
- Psychiatrist
- Psychologist
- Psychotherapist
- Research assistant
- Researcher
- School teacher
- Self-administered
- Social Worker
- Trainee
- Unknown
- HowScored: How was the CORE measure scored?
Semicolon separated list with values from:
- By domain (without Total score)
- By domain (with Total score)
- Item by item
- Total score
- Whether other measures were also used and which if
- AndOtherMeasure: Whether another measure or
assessment was used. Values: “Y”, “N”.
- OtherMeasureNames: Semicolon separated list of
names (and abbreviations where used) for other measures. Huge list!
- FormatOfMeasure: Semiocolon separated list of
formats from:
- Paper and pencil
- Unknown
- Electronic/automated instruments
- As an interview/Interview-assisted
- Those were used to create these separate binary variables:
- formatPaper: Values “Y” and “N”.
- formatInterview: Values “Y” and “N”.
- formatElectronic: Values “Y” and “N”.
- formatNotAllSpecified: Values “Y” and “N”.
Setting and participants
- SingleCountry: Binary variable, values “One
country” or “More than one country”.
- Countries: Semicolon separated list of countries
(or single country!). Many!
- ServiceType: Semicolon separated list of the
- Ayahuasca retreat
- Community Psychology
- Counseling service
- Educational context
- Forensic context
- General population
- Homeless veteran therapeutic housing program
- Inpatient
- Internet based
- Maternity hospital
- Meditation center
- Military context
- Non-clinical
- Occupational setting
- Outpatient
- Partial Hospitalization/Day Hospital
- Primary Care
- Prison setting
- Self-help
- Specialized Services (e.g. psychologist or psychiatrist)
- Unknown
- Voluntary participation
- AgeGroups: Semicolon separated list from:
- Children
- Adolescents
- Any adults Where a publication reported recruiting adults without
tighter specification, from these next age groups.
- Emerging/Young adults
- Middle Adults
- Elderly
- Those were used to create these binary variables.
- AgeGrpChildren: Values “Y” or “N”.
- AgeGrpAdolescents: Values “Y” or “N”.
- AgeGrpAnyAdult: Values “Y” or “N”.
- AgeGrpYoungAdults: Values “Y” or “N”.
- AgeGrpMiddleAdults: Values “Y” or “N”.
- AgeGrpOlderAdults: Values “Y” or “N”.
- GenderCategories: Semicolon separated list, none,
one or more of the following values.
- Women
- Men
- Non-binary
- Transgender
- Other
- Unknown
- Unspecified
- Those were used to create these binary variables.
- GenderOnlyMen: Values “Y” or “N”.
- GenderOnlyWomen: Values “Y” or “N”.
- GenderInclMen: Values “Y” or “N”.
- GenderInclWomen: Values “Y” or “N”.
- GenderInclTrans: Values “Y” or “N”.
- GenderInclNonBinary: Values “Y” or “N”.
- GenderInclOther: Values “Y” or “N”.