Getting Help from Mailbase

1. See online information

Look at the online information if you have a general question or you don't know how to use Mailbase.
Example question: I don't know how to leave a list

2. Contact your listowner

Contact your list owner if you have problems joining or leaving a list, or you disapprove of messages sent to the list.
Example question: I tried to leave the list and I can't

3. Send a message to the helpline

Contact the helpline if you get no reply from a list owner, it's an emergency, or you think there's a problem with Mailbase
Messages sent this address are read by a person, not a computer. We will try to answer your message within one working day, but we get hundreds of messages a week, so please don’t expect an instant reply.
Example question: I can't get off this list and the listowner is not replying to my email
