Edited by Bridget Dolan
Mounted as HTML by Chris Evans, 3.iii.96 within the Section of Psychotherapy pages {7kb}


Page 1 in the paper version

Hello everyone well I'm afraid the plan to get these newsletters out bi-annually is going a bit astray so this is probably nearer a Winter newsletter by the time you get it. Anyway now that we've finally got this edition together there is lots to tell. This edition contains the usual features and some special reports including:-

If there are any developments in eating disorders in your area that you would like other ECED members to know about please send us the information for the next newsletter due out in Spring. This is to be my penultimate newsletter as editor as I am hopefully moving on next September to a new career in law. The ECED are looking for a new editor for 1996 so if you are interested in taking on the task please contact me in London. I would be happy to stay on and co-edit the next issue with a new editor while they get used to the task.
Bridget Dolan

(18.ii.98 --- Bridget has finally gone to pastures greener and newer so please don't write to her here!)