More piping, and rowwise()

R packages Tidyverse Piping R tricks R programming

This extends and introduces rowwise()

Chris Evans (

This is a slight adaptation of a file I did for Emily ( back in October 2020 when she and wanted to look at whether Cronbach’s alpha for the YP-CORE varied from session to session across help-seeking clients data: a very basic exploration of longitudinal measurement invariance. I realised it was a good chance for me to pull together what I had been learning back then about piping and to share it with her.

As a page here it probably should have come before, or been woven into that, but I had managed to lose the file (!). However, I think it complements what I put in there and it does introduce the rowwise() function and c_across().

Show code
### this is just the code that creates the "copy to clipboard" function in the code blocks
    button_text = "<i class=\"fa fa-clone fa-2x\" style=\"color: #301e64\"></i>",
    success_text = "<i class=\"fa fa-check fa-2x\" style=\"color: #90BE6D\"></i>",
    error_text = "<i class=\"fa fa-times fa-2x\" style=\"color: #F94144\"></i>"

As is my wont, I prefer to explore methods with simulated data so the first step was to make such data. Here I am simulating 500 clients each having ten sessions and just a five item questionnaire (the YP-CORE has ten items but five is quicker and fits output more easily!)

Show code
### make some nonsense data 
nParticipants <- 500
nSessions <- 10
### give myself something to start with: the sessions
session <- rep(1:nSessions, nParticipants) # 1,2,3 ...10, 1,23 ...10 ...
session %>%
  as_tibble() %>%  # turn from vector to tibble, that means I have rename it back to the vector name!
  rename(session = value) %>%
  mutate(baseVar = rnorm(nParticipants*nSessions),  # this creates a new variable in the tibble and sort of reminds me that variables may be vectors
         item1 = baseVar + 0.7*rnorm(nParticipants*nSessions), # creates a first item
         item2 = baseVar + 0.7*rnorm(nParticipants*nSessions), # and a second
         item3 = baseVar + 0.7*rnorm(nParticipants*nSessions), # and a third
         item4 = baseVar + 0.7*rnorm(nParticipants*nSessions), # and a 4th ...
         item5 = baseVar + 0.7*rnorm(nParticipants*nSessions)) -> tmpDat

### look at it
# A tibble: 5,000 × 7
   session baseVar  item1  item2  item3  item4   item5
     <int>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>
 1       1 -1.09   -1.54  -0.487 -2.37  -2.07  -1.23  
 2       2 -1.13   -1.06  -1.53  -0.369 -1.02  -1.57  
 3       3  0.0984 -0.473  1.13  -0.752 -0.617  0.427 
 4       4 -0.933  -0.426 -1.30  -0.354 -1.41  -1.56  
 5       5 -0.957  -0.734 -0.692  0.417 -2.21  -1.08  
 6       6  0.507   1.27   0.247 -0.124  0.493  0.654 
 7       7 -1.40   -1.58  -1.22  -1.71  -1.92  -1.42  
 8       8 -1.26   -1.19  -1.42  -0.689 -1.03  -0.623 
 9       9 -0.914  -2.33  -0.579 -1.35  -1.01  -0.917 
10      10 -0.397   0.127 -0.471 -1.21  -1.11   0.0150
# ℹ 4,990 more rows
Show code
### check the simple correlation
cor(tmpDat[, 3:7])
          item1     item2     item3     item4     item5
item1 1.0000000 0.6591352 0.6620830 0.6644586 0.6553199
item2 0.6591352 1.0000000 0.6707748 0.6674330 0.6641176
item3 0.6620830 0.6707748 1.0000000 0.6696733 0.6532232
item4 0.6644586 0.6674330 0.6696733 1.0000000 0.6562823
item5 0.6553199 0.6641176 0.6532232 0.6562823 1.0000000
Show code
### OK, I can play with that, here's the overall alpha (meaningless even for the simulation really but just checking)
psychometric::alpha(tmpDat[, 3:7])
[1] 0.9074184

OK. Now I could start playing with the data in the tidyverse/dplyr/piping way. The key thing to remember is that the default behaviour of mutate() or summarise() within group_by() in dplyr is for a function to act on a vertical vector, i.e. on a variable

Show code
tmpDat %>% 
  group_by(session) %>%
  summarise(mean1 = mean(item1))
# A tibble: 10 × 2
   session    mean1
     <int>    <dbl>
 1       1  0.0506 
 2       2 -0.0308 
 3       3  0.0654 
 4       4  0.0302 
 5       5  0.0654 
 6       6 -0.0260 
 7       7  0.0841 
 8       8  0.0172 
 9       9 -0.00995
10      10  0.0374 

So that simply got us the mean for item1 across all completions but broken down by session. Trivial dplyr/piping but I still find it satisfying in syntax and in its utility.

As introduced in, if I have a function that returns more than one value dplyr handles this nicely but I have to tell it the function is creating a list (even if it’s just a vector), as below. The catch to remember is that you then have to unnest() the list to see its values, usually unnest_wider() is what I want but there is unnest_longer().

Show code
tmpDat %>% 
  group_by(session) %>%
  summarise(summary1 = list(summary(item1))) %>%
# A tibble: 10 × 7
   session Min.        `1st Qu.`   Median        Mean  `3rd Qu.` Max. 
     <int> <table[1d]> <table[1d]> <table[1d]>   <tab> <table[1> <tab>
 1       1 -3.353517   -0.8363637   9.082438e-02  0.0… 0.8494070 3.26…
 2       2 -3.436229   -0.8174509  -4.555271e-02 -0.0… 0.7188596 3.95…
 3       3 -3.348931   -0.8026705   4.833607e-02  0.0… 0.8942703 3.70…
 4       4 -4.154733   -0.7494581  -7.354608e-05  0.0… 0.9130740 3.55…
 5       5 -3.538548   -0.7582946   4.144949e-02  0.0… 0.9318839 3.56…
 6       6 -3.784561   -0.8802649  -9.139588e-02 -0.0… 0.8072120 3.33…
 7       7 -3.943631   -0.7611005   3.655201e-02  0.0… 0.9274534 3.26…
 8       8 -3.973647   -0.8250926   1.890075e-02  0.0… 0.8383157 3.07…
 9       9 -3.822690   -0.8469892  -1.396183e-02 -0.0… 0.8386874 3.69…
10      10 -3.746684   -0.8208357   1.702821e-02  0.0… 0.8848634 3.88…
Show code
###  names are messy but it is easy to solve that ...

tmpDat %>% 
  group_by(session) %>%
  summarise(summary1 = list(summary(item1))) %>%
  unnest_wider(summary1) %>%
  ###  sometimes you have to clean up names that start 
  ###  with numbers or include spaces if you want to avoid backtick quoting
  rename(Q1 = `1st Qu.`,
         Q3 = `3rd Qu.`)
# A tibble: 10 × 7
   session Min.        Q1          Median        Mean      Q3    Max. 
     <int> <table[1d]> <table[1d]> <table[1d]>   <table[1> <tab> <tab>
 1       1 -3.353517   -0.8363637   9.082438e-02  0.05058… 0.84… 3.26…
 2       2 -3.436229   -0.8174509  -4.555271e-02 -0.03081… 0.71… 3.95…
 3       3 -3.348931   -0.8026705   4.833607e-02  0.06544… 0.89… 3.70…
 4       4 -4.154733   -0.7494581  -7.354608e-05  0.03017… 0.91… 3.55…
 5       5 -3.538548   -0.7582946   4.144949e-02  0.06537… 0.93… 3.56…
 6       6 -3.784561   -0.8802649  -9.139588e-02 -0.02595… 0.80… 3.33…
 7       7 -3.943631   -0.7611005   3.655201e-02  0.08406… 0.92… 3.26…
 8       8 -3.973647   -0.8250926   1.890075e-02  0.01721… 0.83… 3.07…
 9       9 -3.822690   -0.8469892  -1.396183e-02 -0.00994… 0.83… 3.69…
10      10 -3.746684   -0.8208357   1.702821e-02  0.03740… 0.88… 3.88…

Again, as I introduced in, I can extend this to handle more than one vector/variable at a time if they’re similar and I’m doing the same to each.

Show code
tmpDat %>% 
  group_by(session) %>%
  summarise(across(starts_with("item"), ~mean(.x)))
# A tibble: 10 × 6
   session    item1     item2   item3    item4    item5
     <int>    <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
 1       1  0.0506   0.0243   -0.0401  0.00924  0.0664 
 2       2 -0.0308  -0.00961  -0.0478 -0.0337  -0.00562
 3       3  0.0654   0.0956    0.131   0.0698   0.117  
 4       4  0.0302   0.00609   0.0183  0.0554  -0.00705
 5       5  0.0654   0.0467    0.0971  0.121    0.0412 
 6       6 -0.0260  -0.0173   -0.0375 -0.00194 -0.0291 
 7       7  0.0841   0.0274   -0.0109 -0.0346   0.0288 
 8       8  0.0172  -0.0477   -0.0143 -0.00567 -0.0279 
 9       9 -0.00995 -0.0105    0.0847  0.0298   0.00826
10      10  0.0374   0.000706 -0.0347 -0.0258   0.0136 

I can also do that with the following syntax. I have not yet really understood why the help for across() gives that one with function syntax (“~”) and the explicit call of “.x) rather than this and I really ought to get my head around the pros and cons of each.

Show code
tmpDat %>% 
  group_by(session) %>%
  summarise(across(starts_with("item"), mean))
# A tibble: 10 × 6
   session    item1     item2   item3    item4    item5
     <int>    <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
 1       1  0.0506   0.0243   -0.0401  0.00924  0.0664 
 2       2 -0.0308  -0.00961  -0.0478 -0.0337  -0.00562
 3       3  0.0654   0.0956    0.131   0.0698   0.117  
 4       4  0.0302   0.00609   0.0183  0.0554  -0.00705
 5       5  0.0654   0.0467    0.0971  0.121    0.0412 
 6       6 -0.0260  -0.0173   -0.0375 -0.00194 -0.0291 
 7       7  0.0841   0.0274   -0.0109 -0.0346   0.0288 
 8       8  0.0172  -0.0477   -0.0143 -0.00567 -0.0279 
 9       9 -0.00995 -0.0105    0.0847  0.0298   0.00826
10      10  0.0374   0.000706 -0.0347 -0.0258   0.0136 

Again, as I introduced in, I can do multiple functions of the same items

Show code
tmpDat %>% 
  group_by(session) %>%
  summarise(across(starts_with("item"), list(mean = mean, sd = sd)))
# A tibble: 10 × 11
   session item1_mean item1_sd item2_mean item2_sd item3_mean item3_sd
     <int>      <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl>
 1       1    0.0506      1.18   0.0243       1.19    -0.0401     1.19
 2       2   -0.0308      1.14  -0.00961      1.20    -0.0478     1.21
 3       3    0.0654      1.23   0.0956       1.21     0.131      1.22
 4       4    0.0302      1.26   0.00609      1.17     0.0183     1.23
 5       5    0.0654      1.26   0.0467       1.17     0.0971     1.19
 6       6   -0.0260      1.20  -0.0173       1.22    -0.0375     1.23
 7       7    0.0841      1.19   0.0274       1.16    -0.0109     1.20
 8       8    0.0172      1.21  -0.0477       1.20    -0.0143     1.24
 9       9   -0.00995     1.20  -0.0105       1.21     0.0847     1.19
10      10    0.0374      1.25   0.000706     1.19    -0.0347     1.23
# ℹ 4 more variables: item4_mean <dbl>, item4_sd <dbl>,
#   item5_mean <dbl>, item5_sd <dbl>

I like that that names things sensibly

I said the default behaviour of mutate() and summarise() is to work on variables, i.e. vectors, whether that is to work on all the values of the variable if there is no group_by(), or within the groups if there is a grouping. If I want to do something on individual values, i.e. by rows, “rowwise”, then I have to use rowwise() which basically treats each row as a group.

If, as you often will in that situation, you want to use a function of more than one value, i.e. values from more than one variable, then you have to remember to use c_across() now, not across(): “c_” as it’s by column.

You also have to remember to ungroup() after any mutate() as you probably don’t want future functions to handle things one row at a time.

Show code
tmpDat %>% 
  filter(row_number() < 6) %>% # just for this example
  rowwise() %>%
  mutate(mean = mean(c_across(starts_with("item")))) %>%
  ungroup() # see above about ungrouping after rowwise() and mutate()
# A tibble: 5 × 8
  session baseVar  item1  item2  item3  item4  item5    mean
    <int>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>
1       1 -1.09   -1.54  -0.487 -2.37  -2.07  -1.23  -1.54  
2       2 -1.13   -1.06  -1.53  -0.369 -1.02  -1.57  -1.11  
3       3  0.0984 -0.473  1.13  -0.752 -0.617  0.427 -0.0577
4       4 -0.933  -0.426 -1.30  -0.354 -1.41  -1.56  -1.01  
5       5 -0.957  -0.734 -0.692  0.417 -2.21  -1.08  -0.860 

OK, so that’s recapped these things, now what about if I want to look at multiple columns and multiple rows? the trick seems to be cur_data().

That gives me a sensible digression from Cronbach’s alpha here as I often find I’m wanting to get correlation matrices when I’m wanting to get alpha (and its CI) and I think getting correlation matrices from grouped data ought to be much easier than it is!

Show code
tmpDat %>% 
  select(item1:item5) %>%
  summarise(cor = list(cor(cur_data()))) %>%
# A tibble: 1 × 5
  item1[,"item1"] item2[,"item1"] item3[,"item1"] item4[,"item1"]
            <dbl>           <dbl>           <dbl>           <dbl>
1               1           0.659           0.662           0.664
# ℹ 5 more variables: item1[2:5] <dbl>, item2[2:5] <dbl>,
#   item3[2:5] <dbl>, item4[2:5] <dbl>, item5 <dbl[,5]>

That, as you can see, is a right old mess!

but we can use correlate() from the corrr package:

Show code
tmpDat %>% 
  select(item1:item5) %>%
# A tibble: 5 × 6
  term   item1  item2  item3  item4  item5
  <chr>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
1 item1 NA      0.659  0.662  0.664  0.655
2 item2  0.659 NA      0.671  0.667  0.664
3 item3  0.662  0.671 NA      0.670  0.653
4 item4  0.664  0.667  0.670 NA      0.656
5 item5  0.655  0.664  0.653  0.656 NA    

As you see, corrr::correlate() puts NA in the leading diagonal not 1.0. That does make finding the maximum off diagonal correlations easy but I confess it seems wrong to me!

What about using that and group_by()?

Show code
tmpDat %>% 
  select(-baseVar) %>%
  group_by(session) %>%
# A tibble: 6 × 7
  term      session    item1   item2     item3    item4   item5
  <chr>       <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>
1 session NA        -0.00206 -0.0137  0.000411 -0.00927 -0.0157
2 item1   -0.00206  NA        0.659   0.662     0.664    0.655 
3 item2   -0.0137    0.659   NA       0.671     0.667    0.664 
4 item3    0.000411  0.662    0.671  NA         0.670    0.653 
5 item4   -0.00927   0.664    0.667   0.670    NA        0.656 
6 item5   -0.0157    0.655    0.664   0.653     0.656   NA     

Hm, that completely ignores the group_by() and includes session variable. That seems plain wrong to me. I feel sure this is something the package will eventually change but for now I need another way to get what I want.

Show code
tmpDat %>% 
  select(-baseVar) %>%
  group_by(session) %>%

I have not evaluated that as it stops with the moderately cryptic error message which I’m putting in here as I quite often forget the summarise(x = ) bit

# Error: `cur_data()` must only be used inside dplyr verbs.
# Run `rlang::last_error()` to see where the error occurred.

So let’s fix that.

Show code
tmpDat %>% 
  select(-baseVar) %>%
  group_by(session) %>%
  summarise(cor = corrr::correlate(cur_data()))
# A tibble: 50 × 2
# Groups:   session [10]
   session cor$term $item1 $item2 $item3 $item4 $item5
     <int> <chr>     <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
 1       1 item1    NA      0.678  0.632  0.673  0.659
 2       1 item2     0.678 NA      0.631  0.656  0.634
 3       1 item3     0.632  0.631 NA      0.649  0.611
 4       1 item4     0.673  0.656  0.649 NA      0.650
 5       1 item5     0.659  0.634  0.611  0.650 NA    
 6       2 item1    NA      0.657  0.654  0.683  0.624
 7       2 item2     0.657 NA      0.653  0.658  0.644
 8       2 item3     0.654  0.653 NA      0.670  0.671
 9       2 item4     0.683  0.658  0.670 NA      0.644
10       2 item5     0.624  0.644  0.671  0.644 NA    
# ℹ 40 more rows

Hm. That does get me the analyses I want but in what is, to my mind, a very odd structure.

OK, after that digression into the corrr package, let’s get to what Emily actually wanted: Cronbach’s alpha across the items but per session.

Show code
tmpDat %>%
  select(-baseVar) %>%
  group_by(session) %>%
  summarise(alpha = psychometric::alpha(cur_data()))
# A tibble: 10 × 2
   session alpha
     <int> <dbl>
 1       1 0.902
 2       2 0.905
 3       3 0.915
 4       4 0.910
 5       5 0.901
 6       6 0.908
 7       7 0.912
 8       8 0.907
 9       9 0.906
10      10 0.908

I get my CI around alpha using the following code.

Show code
psychometric::alpha(tmpDat[, 3:7])
[1] 0.9074184
Show code
getAlphaForBoot <- function(dat, i) {
  # a little function that happens to use psych::alpha to get alpha
  # but indexes it with i as boot() will require
getAlphaForBoot(tmpDat[, 3:7], 1:nrow(tmpDat)) # just checking that it works
[1] 0.9074184
Show code
bootReps <- 1000
getCIAlphaDF3 <- function(dat, ciInt = .95, bootReps = 1000) {
  tmpRes <- boot::boot(na.omit(dat), getAlphaForBoot, R = bootReps)
  tmpCI <-, conf = ciInt, type = "perc")$percent[4:5]
  return(data.frame(alpha = tmpRes$t0,
                    LCL = tmpCI[1],
                    UCL = tmpCI[2]))
getCIAlphaDF3(tmpDat[, 3:7])
      alpha      LCL       UCL
1 0.9074184 0.903393 0.9113645

Actually, now I have my CECPfuns package I create a better, more robust function for this, but later!

So that’s the overall Cronbach alpha with bootstrap confidence interval.

Can also do that within a group_by() grouping.

Show code
tmpDat %>%
  select(-baseVar) %>%
  group_by(session) %>%
  summarise(alpha = list(getCIAlphaDF3(cur_data()))) %>% 
# A tibble: 10 × 4
   session alpha   LCL   UCL
     <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1       1 0.902 0.887 0.913
 2       2 0.905 0.891 0.917
 3       3 0.915 0.902 0.927
 4       4 0.910 0.896 0.922
 5       5 0.901 0.885 0.914
 6       6 0.908 0.894 0.920
 7       7 0.912 0.897 0.923
 8       8 0.907 0.894 0.917
 9       9 0.906 0.893 0.917
10      10 0.908 0.895 0.918

And that was nice and easy to feed into a forest style plot, as follows.

Show code
tmpDat %>%
  select(-baseVar) %>%
  group_by(session) %>%
  summarise(alpha = list(getCIAlphaDF3(cur_data()))) %>% 
  unnest_wider(alpha) -> tmpTib

psychometric::alpha(tmpDat[, 3:7]) -> tmpAlphaAll

ggplot(data = tmpTib,
       aes(x = session, y = alpha)) +
  geom_point() + # get the observed alphas in as points
  geom_linerange(aes(ymin = LCL, ymax = UCL)) + # add the CIs as lines
  geom_hline(yintercept = tmpAlphaAll) + # not really very meaningful to have an overall alpha but 
    # perhaps better than not having a reference line
  xlab("Session") +
  ylab("Cronbach alpha") +
  ggtitle("Forest plot of observed Cronbach alpha per session",
          subtitle = paste0("Vertical lines are 95% CIs, ",
                            " bootstrap replications, percentile method.")) +
  theme_bw() + # nice clean theme
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = .5), # centre the title
        plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = .5)) # and subtitle

Well, as you’d expect from the simulation method, no evidence of heterogeneity of Cronbach’s alpha across sessions!

I hope this is a useful further introduction to piping, dplyr and some of the tidyverse approach. I guess it introduced the corrr package, cur_data() and rowwise() … and it finished with a, for me, typical use of ggplot() (from the ggplot2 package.)

Do contact me if you have any comments, suggestions, corrections, improvements … anything!

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cat(paste(format(Sys.time(), "%d/%m/%Y"), "at", format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M")))
14/04/2024 at 09:14


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For attribution, please cite this work as

Evans (2021, Feb. 10). Chris (Evans) R SAFAQ: More piping, and rowwise(). Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Evans, Chris},
  title = {Chris (Evans) R SAFAQ: More piping, and rowwise()},
  url = {},
  year = {2021}