Bug in facetted ggplot with coord.fixed()

R graphics
R markdown
R tricks

I think this is a bug, others disagree!

Percentage of possible score range


This explains why this transform can be misleading.

Convergent validity issues (1)


This expands the glossary entry about convergent validity


R tricks
Gaussian distribution

Post that will link closely to glossary entries and shiny apps all about dispersion, scatter, variance

Anonymising ODT and DOCX documents

Geeky stuff

Anonymising Libre/OpenOffice ODT and M$oft Wurd DOCX documents

CSC by gender and age

RCSC paradigm
CECPfuns package

CSC matching lookup with lookupCSCgenderAndAge()

Hedges's g

Effect sizes

A bit about Hedges's g!

Correlation coefficients (2)

Null hypothesis tests (NHSTs)

Significance testing and confidence intervals for correlation coefficients ... and back to why!

Correlation coefficients (1)

Null hypothesis tests (NHSTs)

Exploration of the differences between different correlation coefficients.

Bonferroni correction

Multiple tests problem
Null hypothesis tests (NHSTs)

A simple explanation of the Bonferroni correction for the multiple tests problem.

Confidence interval around Spearman correlation coefficient

CECPfuns package
Confidence intervals
Non-parametric statistics
Rank methods

Explores four methods of estimating a CI around an observed Spearman correlation.

Explore distributions with plots

R tricks
R graphics
Null hypothesis tests (NHSTs)
Gaussian distribution
Plots and graphs

Graphical exploration of fit between distributions and against theoretical distributions.

Tests of fit to Gaussian distribution

R tricks
Distribution tests
Null hypothesis tests (NHSTs)
Gaussian distribution

Introduction to four tests of fit to Gaussian distribution available in R

Kolmogorov-Smirnov test

R tricks
Distribution tests
Null hypothesis tests (NHSTs)
Gaussian distribution

First post about using R to test fit to univariate Gaussian (a.k.a. 'Normal') distribution: Kolmogorov-Test

Using tryCatch() (within simulations)

R tricks
R programming

I had previously found the structure of tryCatch() difficult: cracked it!

Background on plotJacobson() function

RCSC paradigm
Jacobson plot
CECPfuns package
Plots and graphs

1.xi.23 This is very early work in progress and will evolve a lot over the next week and then get into CECPfuns R package on github.

Confidence intervals for quantiles

Confidence intervals
Quantiles (quartiles, [per]centiles, deciles)

A general coverage of quantiles, the ECDF (Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function) and confidence intervals (CIs) around quantiles

Mapping individual scores to referential data using quantiles

Confidence intervals
Quantiles (quartiles, [per]centiles, deciles)
Mapping to referential data

Exploring the use of quantiles and their confidence intervals, and ECDFs to map individuals' scores to referential data.

Making a working shiny server

Geeky stuff
R packages
R tricks
R programming

This is very much work in progress and will probably always be that way.

What is an empirical cumulative distribution function?


A general introduction to the ECDF and quantiles and why they're useful.

Wisdom of years!

R style
Wise practices

I've learned a lot about data analysis from my errors, here's what I wish I'd known earlier!

R things I, and perhaps others, forget

Distill package
R graphics
R tricks

This is a developing miscellany of the things that I seem to keep forgetting about R. What I used to call in my student days "teflon coated facts"!

Jacobson #1

RCSC paradigm
R graphics
Jacobson plot
Granularity of scores

The Jacobson plot and RCSC (Reliable and Clinical Change) methods for those who have never met them before or don't feel confident they understand them.

Drawing a logo (and other circular things)

R graphics
R tricks

As title says: very simple stuff about circles in ggplot, does open up somne ideas about drawing therapy groups.

Derangements #2

Rigorous idiography
Method of derangements

Follows on from 'Scores from matching things'

Scores from matching things

Rigorous idiography
Method of derangements

Mostly about the method of derangements but some huxtable!

Reading data into R from M$oft Access mdb

R tricks
R programming
Data import in R
Database handling

Work in progress about reading data from M$ mdb file into R

Exact confidence intervals for difference between proportions

Confidence intervals
Exact confidence intervals

This describes the ExactCIdiff package, unpacks the arguments to the functions, looks at timings and notes an oddity, a typo I think, in the original paper about the package.

Pre/post analyses

Change scores
Pre/post change

Teaching myself about pre/post therapy change analyses using R. Probably the first of a series of posts.

Chance corrected agreement

Cohen's kappa

Simple plotting of raw agreement and Cohen's kappa for various prevalences of the rated quality and only chance agreement

Data ellipses and confidence ellipses

R graphics

This just clarifies the distinction between a data ellipse and a confidence ellipse, i.e. an ellipse describing the joint confidence intervals on two parameters of a model

Compiling packages reporting missing headers in windows

R geeky
R packages
Reminder (for CE!)

For anyone else who hits this and doesn't want to wait for someone to put the compiled package into CRAN

For OMbook glossary

OMbook & glossary

Code used for entries in the glossary for the OMbook

Subscale/total correlations


A look at subscale/total correlations in the null model

Spearman-Brown formula


How does internal reliability relate to number of items?

Compiling R on a Raspberry Pi 4

Raspberry pi
Geeky stuff

I thought I should document this process as it turned out to be fairly easy

Where to store different settings in Rmarkdown files

R tricks
R programming

This may be of use to others but it's partly for me as I keep forgetting these and searching around for the .Rmd files in which I used the one I want!

Making the CECPfuns package: my own usable package

R packages
R tricks
R programming

This is very much work in progress so look for later posts about CECPfuns as well as this.

More piping, and rowwise()

R packages
R tricks
R programming

This extends and introduces rowwise()

Why pipe? Why the tidyverse?

R packages
R programming

A short description of the post.

How I have done this

Distill package
R graphics
R tricks

Just documenting how I have created these pages with the Distill package.


Confidence intervals

A quick exploration of bootstrapping a Spearman and why you might, or might not, want it.

Handling overprinting

R tricks
R graphics

This is the first of my blog posts here, about the issue of overprinting and some ways to handle it using R and ggplot(). There's a small spin off topic on the impact on bivariate correlations and on linear regression of discretising continuous variables.

Nudging groupings on plot axes

R tricks
R graphics

How to nudge categories on an axis of a ggplot plot.

More articles »


Using this “Rblog”

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