
A very simple idea and one of the four parts of our GULP: Generalisability, Usability, Linguistics (and cultural Location) and Psychometrics. For us these are the key features of measures. We are deliberately relegating Psychometrics into last place as it is too often presented in the literature as the only important aspect of measures.

Details #

Usability means exactly what it says: is the measure usable. Like most important things about change measures that’s not some fixed property of a measure, it’s about the reason you want to use it, what you want to do with the data from it, who you are giving it to, what time they have and what resources you have. If your measure is a questionnaire it embraces readability. It’s also affected by how you deliver the measure: on paper, on web page, in an app.

Try also #


Chapters #

Chapter 2 is all about GULP so borrow or buy a copy of the book!!

Online resources #

Can’t think what they would be!

Dates #

First created 28.ii.24.

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