qq (quantile-quantile) plot

A qq plot from my Rblog post Explore distributions with plots

These are diagnostic plots used to explore similarities between the distribution of values/scores in a sample against a theoretical distribution, typically the Gaussian distribution, or to compare distributions of two distributions.

Details #

Go to Rblog post Explore distributions with plots for the explanation.

Try also #

Gaussian (“Normal”) distribution
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
Anderson-Darling test
Cramer von Mises test
Shapiro-Wilk test
Shapiro-Francia test
Null hypothesis testing
Distribution shape
Null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) paradigm
Sampling and sample frame

Chapters #

Not in the book

Online resources #

My Rblog post:
* Explore distributions with plots
My shiny apps:
* App creating samples from Gaussian distribution showing histogram, ecdf and qqplot

Dates #

First created 19.xi.23

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